milkfrost's world

The brand new virtual world of Milkfrost - formally (

The reason why this blog is created is because is shutting down & all posts will be removed. Some posts here are back-dated from Aug 2004 - Aug 2012! I'm just doing a screen-shot & re-posting slowly cos it ain't easy to import every single photo. Therefore, only thumbnails are available for viewing, which also explains the white background & the little note at the end.

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Saturday 6 July 2024

Lee Na Young Esthetic | Eyebrow Embroidery

Finally had time to fix my eyebrow! Managed to get an appointment at Lee Na young Esthetic for eyebrow embroidery cos the lady who did my brows previously only works on appointment basis, and only on Saturday.  
Existing brows which was done 3 years ago. Actually the shape is still there, but the color has become very light.Numbing in the processAlmost done. No pictures / videos during process cos I keep dozing off (Yes, I'm that kind of weirdo who can sleep thru pain, like tooth extraction/ surgery) 😂
Done in less than an hour. Shall arrange for touch-up in 3 months' time (recommended to touch-up within 1 - 3 months)
I requested for slightly thicker so that after it faded, it's still visible. 


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