milkfrost's world

The brand new virtual world of Milkfrost - formally (

The reason why this blog is created is because is shutting down & all posts will be removed. Some posts here are back-dated from Aug 2004 - Aug 2012! I'm just doing a screen-shot & re-posting slowly cos it ain't easy to import every single photo. Therefore, only thumbnails are available for viewing, which also explains the white background & the little note at the end.

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Wednesday 8 May 2024

Tulipmania, Gardens by the Bay | MeTime

Decided to walk over Gardens by the Bay from Suntec City after lunch.
Wow! Didn't even know that The Float @ Marina Bay has already been dismantled!

This open space above MBS is quite a good spot for watching fireworks!Okay, let's go be a tourist in my own country today
Let's go check out Tulipmania at the Flower Done, Gardens by the Bay. Thanks Gardens by the Bay for bringing Tulips for the 10th year!

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