milkfrost's world

The brand new virtual world of Milkfrost - formally (

The reason why this blog is created is because is shutting down & all posts will be removed. Some posts here are back-dated from Aug 2004 - Aug 2012! I'm just doing a screen-shot & re-posting slowly cos it ain't easy to import every single photo. Therefore, only thumbnails are available for viewing, which also explains the white background & the little note at the end.

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Tuesday 11 June 2024

iLight Singapore, Re-visit | Night's Out w/Marely

Revisiting iLight Singapore cos Marely dated me to it.

Playing with my Samsung Gear 360 within Dandelion

Shot from far cos we didn't want to waste time queuing

I feel more in space compared to the previous night

Late night dinner at Burger King

Didn't know BK changes their onion rings to the one with real onion. Nice!

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