Thursday 7 August 2014

Jude & Michelle Wed

It was a beautiful Saturday & I'm on my way to attend a church wedding. The last time I attended a church wedding was like erm... ... 22 years ago! 

Anyhow, I met up with Cindy & Huini at McDonald's Lucky Plaza before heading to the Church of Blessed Sacrament at Commonwealth Drive for the ceremony

While waiting for the ceremony to begin... ... wefies! These are the bunch of people I met 18 years ago when I was transferred to set up McDonald's Bugis Junction!

BFFs .. Carol & Cindy

One with the groom

The wedding band

Our nervous friend

Flower girl feeling stress

The pretty bride

After the many "Please rise & Please be seated", the pastor is finally into the main purpose

Groom & bride finally exchanging vows & rings

Pastor: "I pronounce you husband & wife. You may kiss the bride now"

The Certification

The newly weds - off to the wedding lunch! 

The newly weds chartered a bus to ferry guests to hotel Furama for lunch from the church 

Table setting. Funnily, all the table sits 11 pax

The napkin was nicely folded till it looks like a shirt

Wedding favors include a picture of the newly wed. Lunch was buffet-styled. Food was not fantastic, neither was the service. Sound system was worst. While playing the montage of the couple, background music was either too loud, or too soft. 

Few pictures during lunch. No proper group picture with the newly wed cos didn't wanna trouble others to help us snap. So, gotta wait till the photo from the official photographer who happens to be the groom's brother

Then we took a photo in such a pose. Why?

Cos 18 years ago, we took a photo of s similar pose! So we're doing a collage of 2 photos to see who has changed the most! Erm... obvious right? =D

After lunch, me & Carol went to walk around Chinatown point, grabbed a coke at McDonald's before heading home

It was a short gathering, but it was nice meeting up.

Congrats, Jude & Michelle. 

May you have a blissful marriage & have a "Milk Chocolate" soon =D

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