Tuesday 12 August 2014

Happy 49th Birthday, Singapore

Happy 49th Birthday, Singapore! 

I have been sending in my details for balloting of NDP tickets for years but never get to have any luck. This year, Kogu managed to get hold of 2 tickets for the actual day parade & he passed it to me cos he wants to spend some time with his kiddo before he flies off to Bangkok with Jenny on Sunday. 

Entry point for Blue ticket holders

By the time we reach at about 4pm, the queue at the security point is already of super long queue

Police cars lined up nicely along the way

We aimed to get to the block at front of the stage but were directed to the side, so here's our direct view

Eh, why no QC check? The light stick I got is defect one! 

The excited crowd

Some crowd motivators. 

Hosts are out! 

One of the host, Ebi Shankara, who also happens to be our friend!

and now... NDP 2014 is going Live! 

The Red Lions - a quick video on one of the Lion landing

Then, the Fighters flew passed, which I was told that it was not being broadcast on TV! So here's a short video of them flying by.

This officer here... is the BIL of my ex-colleague from McDonald's! 

The cannons on standby & a short video of them firing the salute.

Here comes the National Flag!

Yes! Fly the flag high

Now, show starts!

Show started with various departments show casing their stuffs

But hey, people ~~ don't be kiasu to stand up take picture can? People behind cannot see! 

The skyline when the night falls

Some fireworks in between the show

It's coming to the end of the show, thus.... .... after the pledge & national anthem, here's the video on finale of the fireworks

While walking out of the event venue after the show, there's a video on extra time of fireworks

Back home, I took out the items on of the fun pack & erm... seriously, most items are quite weird lah.. lol

Also, personally I feel that the costumes this is are too colorful. In fact, it's too colorful it somehow resembles Clowns

Thanks Kogu & Jenny for the tickets!

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