Sunday 10 October 2010

good evening w/great pals!

an evening spent with great pals.. 

met up with Carol, Alvin & little Amelia @ RWS, outside USS.. there, me & Carol had a brief talk with Dean (F&B Director of USS), one of my ex-boss frm McD's! its so nice being able to catch up with him after so many years!

next, we meet up w/Nizam, Rafi & his gf at RWS for Voyage de la Vie.. hee, yes.. this is the 2nd time im watching.. still as good as the first time i watched, but this time the performers came up to the audience seating lesser than before.. 

seriously, i wonder why ppl dun understand the "no photography" sign.. the guy seating infront of us tot he could secretly take picture with his iphone, but unfortunately, he was caught & was asked to delete all pictures he took! dumb! so embarrassing lor... haha

wanted to dine at chili's after the show, but waiting time was quite long.. so we end up dining at Big Easy. Food was not fantastic but service was good!

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