Saturday 27 April 2024

True Blue Cuisine & Sans Living Room | Sam's Birthday

Meeting the foodie musketeers to celebrate Sam's birthday
Walked around the area cos restaurant not opened yet

Met a cute doggo wagging his tail at me & when I gave him a little pat, he immediately shifted his position & showing me his tummy, so I went on to gave him a little tummy rub before walking off.

We also spotted a pretty cafe, Sans Living Room besides our dinner venue

Cafe by the day, bar after 5pm

Next, to our dinner venue, True Blue Cuisine
Beautiful Peranakan restaurant.. just look at the details on the furniture!

Ayer Mata Kuching (Longan & red dates tea) $5/ pax (free flow)
Achar was $5 but we were told that they're only selling it by bottle currently at  $38/bttl. Thus, we ordered a bottle, serve half & Sam took the balance homeKeropok Udang $5 and we also ordered Sambair Belachan $2/each
A quick snap before all the food arrives
Bakwan Kepiting (Crab & chicken meat balls) $12
Kueh Pie Tee $20
Chap Chye $20
Ayam Buah Keluak (Chicken stewed w/black nuts) $30
Ngoh Hiang $18
Rendang Sai (beef) $25
We ordered Kachang Botor (Winged beans) but it was out of stock, thus we changed to Jantong Pisang (Banana blossoms w/cucumber) $20
Sotong Assam (Squids fried in tamarind) $22
Kari Ikan (Fish fillet in vegetable curry) $30
Udang Kuah Nanair (Prawns in sweet & sour pineapple gravy) $30

Looks like we're being a little ambitious!

Check out the amount of fillings in the nut!

Kueh Pie Tee a little small, but fits nicely in a mouthful.Onde Onde Durian $8Chendol Durian $10Theresa bought an Earl Grey cake from eCreative 

Happy Birthday, Sam!

Birthday girl even got a keychain from the restaurant, made from the nut used for buah keluak

Pianist playing piano throughout the dinner time slot
Food servings are small and pricing are slightly on the higher end, but it was superb! Service was great too!

After dinner, we went back to Sans Living Room for some drinks

Thanks Sam for the drinks.

Also thank Sam for the treats from Korea 💓


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