Tuesday 2 April 2024

Milkfrost Shops | Pawfurry Pet Treats

Met uo with a friend at Tanjong Pagar to pick up something and I came across Pawfurry roadshow, selling homemade dog treats.
While I was browsing the treats, owner's doggie, Keke walked over and rested on the floor, over my foot 😂Hello, Keke.. you're so cute leh
And so I bought 3 packs of treats and the owner also gave me 3 small packs of sample treats. 
According to the owner, these treats are all homemade and it all started cos her old dog is unable to consume any treats bought from pet shop/ online shop. And cos of friend's support they started this pet treats business. Thanks lady boss for the yummy sample treats. Mitu whacked the Salmon chips within 2mins!


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