Sunday 4 September 2022

Ng Teng Fong Hospital | Gastric & Gallbladder Stones Removal

Woke up in the middle of Sunday morning 2am vomiting, diarrhea & the gastric feeling. Vomiting & diarrhea continue on a hourly basis all the way till 8am. Meaning, by 8am, I have already vomit & diarrhea for 7 times! 

Unfortunately, the usual clinic that I went to is only open at 7pm on Sunday & the 2 clinics under MHC panel is not open on Sunday! Vomiting & diarrhea stops for awhile after 7 times of toilet visiting & I manage to get a couple of proper sleep

It was only till about 12.30pm that le sister reminded me that there is another clinic at Junction10. I did a check & realize that this clinic is open in the afternoon & it's also under MHC panel! Made a phone call to the clinic when they open at 2pm & nurse says no need to do appointment, can walk in.
Doctor did a check & confirmed that it's not food poisoning but more on gastric. However, doctor asked to monitor the pain as it's very near the gallbladder & if pain persist at night, I will have to go to the hospital. 
The pain subsides at night after medication & some rest, thus remain at home for the night & the next day.
Food for the sick for Sunday & Monday.
Went back to work on Tuesday & nothing major happen till I had my supper at 12am when I came back from work. Pain at the gallbladder area, vomiting & diarrhea immediately came back! Thus, I took the gastric medication but I vomited again mins after I took the medication. 

Pain persist for the next 1hr and I couldn't get to sleep. In the end, I decided to take a cab to A&E but when I was at the void deck, I remembered the last time I waited 2hrs for a doctor to attend to me when in walk-in NUH A&E
I picked up my phone & dial for ambulance! They came, did a check & says nothing serious, asked if I still want to go to the hospital. Of cos I want lah! The pain already persisted for 2hrs & I vomited twice already leh! 
Reached A&E around 3am on 31/8/22 & registration was quick as I was being sent in via ambulance. After several checks, urine test, x-ray & stuffs, it was concluded that the pain was due to inflammation of gallbladder stones & surgery is required! Only managed to get a bed ard 2pm & still waiting for a surgery slot. Finally got a bed ard 6pm but wasn't allowed food & water till 8.30pm cos there's still no slot for surgery. They only allow biscuits & milo but the pain intensify again after eating 2 pieces of biscuits. Thus I stopped eating.Was put on glucose, painkiller & antibiotics while waiting.Finally got a surgery ard 1pm on 01/09/22.Surgery was done via 3 keyholes but due to one of the stone is huge, small cut is required at my belly button to remove it!The 4th hole is to insert tube for draining excessive bloodDraining tube removed on 03/09/22.Hospital was actually pretty nice.My sister is damn funny! I asked her to bring a mask but she look at the amount of mask she bring me. But actually hor, I wanted a surgical mask (cos the mask I'm using is already in use for few days), not facial maskThe she bring a small bottle of shower gel but is only half-filled & never bring me shampoo!Since NTFH's selling point is "Every patient has a window", I'm finally enjoying the 'view' from my window on my last day here! I basically sleep throughout the day/ night most of time when I'm in the ward, except for meal, medication & shower time. The nurse even has to wake me up for breakfast!  One last meal before I check-out of my 'staycation'.And the bill comes very fast!Nurse gave me a couple of plasters to cover the open wound from where the drain tube is being removed.Collecting medication.
Apart from the waiting for bed & surgery slot takes a bit too long, I'm still grateful that the doctors & nurses constantly checked on me while I'm in the A&E & all the way till I got discharged. 
Get well-hamper from Evelyn & the team was sent to the hospitalJanice also sent home a get-well hamper.Reach home with food waiting for me cos Zhenni (again!) send me food while their whole family is on their way to KL! She sent me 2 portions cos she didn't expect the hospital to cater my lunch & to ease my sister's workload for having to cook porridge for me. Sam also send me very cute mooncake & chocolate drinks set.
Thanks everyone for your care & concern, in one way or another. I really appreciate it!


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