Friday 30 September 2022

Farewell, Team Andes IMM ... till we meet again ~

Last day in Andes IMM! 

I'm transferred here since 10 Feb 20 & I'm here for 2 years 7 months, the longest standing manager that has ever worked in this outlet! Requested to be transferred out a total of 6 times over 1.5 years but all my request has been rejected, so I stop asking for it. 

Finally, my ops manager asked if I wanted to transfer after my hospitalization, of cos I have to grab the chance & let others have a chance to work in IMM ๐Ÿ˜

Part of me is happy but part of me is sad to leave. Mainly because I have put in a lot of effort in cleaning up & straightening up operational procedure together with my previous 2 restaurant manager, namely Kenny & Chris, although we had our fair share of disagreement. Maintaining the standard that they both set & handing it over the existing restaurant manager, Anthony.

Well, like the saying goes, no one is indispensable of anyone. So, maybe me leaving is a good thing for everyone here since there will no longer be a discipline mistress to ag & grumble at them. 

Anyway, I'm not leaving the company yet. I'm just being transferred to another brand, Bizen Okayama Steak House. 
Qiufen gift me a Elizebeth Arden Green Tea shower gel early morning when I step into the outlet.
This is gonna be my last staff bonding meal with part of the team, on my 2nd last day.
Jarret is supposed to treat me nasi lemak but no more chance, so he gave me $10 ๐Ÿ˜…Foo Teck gave a rainbow lapis for snack, saying that's my farewell treat๐Ÿ˜‚Ashikin, whom I always call Fat Girl ๐Ÿ˜Ali, the team leader who always verbally fights but lost to me ๐Ÿ˜…The 2 elderly & actually Foo Teck also treated me to supper ๐Ÿ˜‹One last look of the outlet on my last opening shift/ last dayTreats for the staffs.Such a long list on the first order of the day! Thanks for the farewell gift arh! Uncle Wong, the oldest staff I have. At 73, he is still very strong & swing the super heavy mop like nothing! He also gifted me a box of hot chocolate cos he remembered I only drink tea/ hot chocolate.Ok, one last picture before I step out!
It's been a pleasure working with all of you & although I nag & scream at you guys a lot, you guys still helped me out every time I needed extra help one way or another. 

All the best to you guys! See you in another part of Singapore๐Ÿ˜Š


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