Monday 17 January 2022

Eggslut, Hvala & Genki Sushi | BFF's Birthday

Happy Birthday, #mybffmylesbian🤪
Since I’m off, I met up with le bff for some food excursion 😅We finally tried Egg Slut cos no queue! 😅Apart from the bun being a bit too oily, it was overall a great meal 😋Then we stop by Hvala for dessertInterior was rather hyped Once again, Happy Birthday! Pretty good cake & waffle, except for that sprinkle of matcha powder which I’m not quite a fan or itAfter window shopping for a couple of hours, we decided to settle for dinner at Genki SushiAnd bumped into a customer-turned-friend.. someone whom I knew when I was working in Agility
Nice angbao packet 


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