Friday 13 December 2019

Happy Birthday To ME

Good Bye 44 & Hello 45!
Yes, I'm officially 45 & come on, who's buying me a drink?

Haha.. joke aside! Actually some gifts came knocking at my "door steps" even before my birthday
One of my staff, Yong Heng gave me this cute mug when he knows that my birthday is in 2 week's time. So kiasu.. haha

Few days later while I was at work, I received this but till now, I still do not have any idea who is the sender.

I asked Zhenni who usually sends me gift, but her reply was "I'm not so romantic to send you flowers" haha.. 

Whoever the sender is, Thank you!

3 days before Birthday .. .. Hand-written card & NTUC voucher from the company. 

One day before the actual day, this parcel was on my lappie when I reached home

This is then the gift sent by Zhenni & family

It was even customized with my name on it

And on the actual day, my irritating sister left a message to my on her IGstory!

Haha.. so true cos she was rushing out for work before 8am and I'm still in deep sleep

In a hurry to meet Angeline for lunch, so I only ate the 2 red eggs. Meesuah, I lazy to cook. 

Anyway, Happy 45th Birthday to me!

*updated on 16/12/19
One more staff gave me present. Haha

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