Sunday 27 January 2019

Year of Pig 🐷 | Reunion Dinner with AFamily

The yearly A-Family reunion dinner. This year there will not be any major celebration like Lion Dance cos Patti just past away.
As usual, I'm always the first to reachToday surprisingly, this fatty boy allow to lie on his lap & happily playing & erm.. even bullying me.HahaNewest memberBecause I mentioned I was craving for steamboat, the host prepared steamboat!The 2 items that is a must-have! and of cos, Salmon is from host's shop. HahaAnd we had something special today! What's so special? It's just Kampung Fish lahBut no! The plain looking Kampung Fish had been de-boned & stuffed with Otah! OMG.. not a single piece of bone inside the fish. So skillful leh! Taking a break after stuffing our tummy & waiting for the rest to finish before we louheiAnd here, our Limited Edition Yusheng where you can't get this anywhere! Specially arranged by me =)It includes Sesame Jellyfish, Seasoned Octopus, Fake Abalone, Abalone, Salmon SashimiAnd lots of crackers!And of cos, here.. my Unbiological Multiracial FamilyHuat arh!Mahjong timeThanks Jenny for the Pineapple Tarts & Piggy shaped Sugee cookies which was delivered on Friday.and the treats from BangkokAlso Nizam & Irene for the cookies

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