Friday 17 August 2018

K-Star | Trixie's Birthday

Trixie turns 35 and her sisters planned a surprise ktv session for her
Ida chose K-Star because every room comes with a themeThe room we were given was rather plain looking and it was quite squeezy for 10 paxSelection of songs can only be done on the screen mounted to the wall. Customers can connect to the in-house wifi & scan the system via wechat to control but only 1 phone can be connected. 
Sadly... ... the in-house wifi cannot be connected
Amy ordered Octopus Ball, Mini Spring Roll & Seaweed Chicken cos she was hungry and it was quite disappointing at the service. 
Awhile later, staff came in & inform that Mini Spring Roll is not available & we changed the order to Five Spice Roll. Staff came in 2nd time saying Five Spice Roll is not available, so we change to Fried Beancurd. Staff came in the 3rd time saying Popcorn Chicken is not available & the 4th time he came in, he says Seaweed Chicken is not available. 

Hello~~ if Seaweed Chicken is not available, why didn't you inform us the first time u came in?

So I told the staff to check what is not available before asking us to change our order. So he left & came back saying Mini Spring Roll, Five Spice Roll, Seaweed Chicken & Popcorn Chicken is not available. The rest of the items is available.

So for the 4th time, we change the order to Edamame & staff says it is available. Honestly, I am already very annoyed & irritated by this time cos I have already changed my order for the 4th time! So I told the staff, since he already says Edamame is available, so if it is not available, he has to go find it by hook or by crook. 

5 mins later, the 5th time, another staff came & says Edamame is not available. WTF?! 

Before I change my order, I already asked u to check what is not available before asking me to change my order. Your reply was only Mini Spring Roll, Five Spice Roll, Seaweed Chicken & Popcorn Chicken is not available & the rest is available. I even ask him to confirm if Edamame is available, he say yes! 

What kind of service is this huh? The reason they gave was .. "Business is too good today & item is out of stock. Kitchen did not inform us what item is out of stock" .. in the end, we have to give the staff cash so that they can go Don Don Donki to buy Edamame. The reason why we insisted on having Edamame was cos one of Trixie's friend was vegetarian.

Seriously, this is totally unacceptable. If item is not available, kitchen should inform waiting staffs on-time in order to avoid such incidents. Such incidents not only causes customers to be annoyed, it also causes waiting staffs to be screamed at.
Ida also ordered flower & balloon from Petite Fleur to be delivered to K-Star. Her request was "No Purple" & it turned out that the ribbon & box color is purple! Amy bought Ice Cream cake from Swensens & duhz... it doesn't comes with knife & we had to borrow knife from the kitchenMe & Trixie's friends waiting to launch her surprise while Amy went out to meet her cos she thought only Amy is meeting her for ktv sessionTada~! Happy Birthday, TrixieHaha.. no, I didn't forget your birthday. I didn't wish u online cos I was in the surprise team & I wanted to wish you personallyAnd as if the wifi unable to connect, many food items not available is not annoying enough, our room system was locked out after 3 hours. 
When we went to check, staff told us that the room system was locked as our time is up. What? We booked the room for 4 hours (8.30 pm - 12.30 am) & when the staff came in to ask, we also confirmed that we booked the room for 4 hours. Staff even told us that the wine we ordered entitles us for 3 hours room usage & will charge us for additional hour. 

Yet our room was locked after 3 hrs, at 11.30 pm! 

Ok, so we paid for 1 more hour (till 12.30 am) since we have exceeded the 3 hours. Staff came & informed that they will gave us another 30 mins (till 1 am) complimentary usage due to their blunder.

But... ... our room was again locked 12.30 am! 

When we asked the staff, they says it was locked as we only paid for usage till 12.30 am, so the system automatically locks out at 12.30 am. So, what happen to the complimentary usage for 30 mins? 

It was annoying cos every time they lock out the system, all the songs we have chosen was erased & we have to re-search for the songs that we wanted to sing.

This is by far the worst ktv experience all of us encounter!
Nevertheless, we have enjoyed the night for the companyOnce again... ... Happy Birthday, Trixie

K-Star Karaoke
181 Orchard Road, 
 #05-01, Orchard Central, 
Singapore 238896
Tel: 65 6634 2801/ 65 9438 8463

Petite Fleur
Stamping Ground Coffee
 87 Upper East Coast Road,
Singapore 455223
Tel: 65 9270 8473

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