Saturday 11 February 2017

Year of the Golden Rooster | CCSSians Meets at David's House

CCSSian's meets again at David's house. 

David hosted this event cos his family has not been celebrating Chinese New Year for few years after unforeseen circumstances. But he only invited the few of us & his camp mates.
Again, I'm the first to arrive cos I went direct after eyelash extensionCoincidentally, We are in an almost same outfitKueh Lapis, all the way from BatamCoke, David says it's specially for meMarcus's wife also came this time cos she's back from ShanghaiTrying out my gif camera on my new OppoDavid also engaged Lion Dance troupe for this celebration

The same chicky that we met last week at ATeam HQGroup pixSeriously, I think I really have a bunch of crazy friends! =D
Thanks David & Liana for inviting. We had a great time catching up & having fun gossiping.

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