Saturday 22 August 2015

TCC Vivo City | Janice's Birthday

Janice's birthday is round the corner and so Theresa initiate a lunch date. We opt for TCC at Vivo so that we can utilize the birthday discount
Eun is getting a little chubby these days (">)Hye joins in cos she ask why is she not in the previous picture .. heeheeWhile waiting for our food to arriveEun ordered Chicken Drumstick kids mealWahaha.. EL snapped me of snapping her daughterHye being a small (or rather, selective) eater, eats only friesMentaiko Seafood for sharing.Park's Steak & Egg. A little small portion for him he ends up ordering another kids meal to fill his tummy spaceHye's pizza kids meal but it ended up in all out tummy cos she doesn't eatsJan'sMe & EL both ordered the LTO Seafood Pasta which taste a little bland to me. Personally I prefer something spicyMy tiny Yuzu drink took almost an hour to be served! So long that we had already our food & guests from 2 other table had also finished their food & left. It took me 3 reminders to get the drink served. 
Asked what took them so long to served the drink, the answer I got was that they only got 2 reminders and overlooked my order and when I reminded them the first time, they were preparing whatever orders that are on hand. When I reminded them second time, they are still preparing those orders on hand & there are new orders coming in. So, they only start to rush my order after they finished preparing all the new orders.

What? Hey, you overlook my order which was being placed an hour ago. Shouldn't you be putting my order as priority instead of preparing all other new orders? Instead, you went & get all other new orders prepared before mine? What kind of logic is that huh? Terrible! 

Then we ordered some desserts

Power mummy took both big girl & baby out on her own to join us for lunch today!EL & I took turns to relieve mummy so that she can eat, but actually she's always sleeping so soundly. Aiyo.. got rashesAfter lunch, we went up to the open area cos we couldn't have out own bought cake at TCCCool, nowadays got boat riding
Spot a little fairySuper old school bakeryWith super old school cake. Butter cake with peanuts at the sidePardon the messy hair cos wind very strongBirthday girlWith kiddosWith us & a babyThis mummy arh, very relaxWahaha... see how she puts baby at rest.. lol

1 Harbourfront Walk
Vivo City #02-149
Singapore 098585
Tel: 6221 5455

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