Monday 6 July 2015

ABC Cooking Studio - Bread making

ABC Cooking Studio, Japan's popular cooking studio. Aunty Lily went for a trial bread making session and joined as member. She then brought us for trial break making session.  
Apart from the baking tablesThere is also a waiting corner where members can sit back, relax and enjoy the bread/cooking they just did. Or relax while waiting for the bread/ cake to be ready. Lockers are also available for members to keep their bag, but the locker is quite small, so if you're going, don't bring big bagLessons here are done in small groups (1 - 4 participants) so that everyone in the group is able to raise any questions as & when they need. As there are 6 of us, 4 of us (Aunty Alice, cousin Trixie & Cherilyn & myself) took the bread making while auny Lucy & Lily went for Hamburg Steak.Recipe is for all participant to bring home for practiceA wefie while waiting for their food to be cooked, and while we'r waiting for our bread to be proofed. Aunty Lily with her cook of the dayHamburg steak with Japanese rice & Onion SoupOnion Soup taste very normal. No wow factorHamburg steak is good. I never like onion, but the carmalized onion doesn't have the onion taste & the brown sauce is very delishInner of the hamburg steak.Meanwhile, here's from our table for bread makingIngredients are already measured & prepared by instructorsHaha.... wefies after wefies ... lolHands are dirty from the process, so didn't manage to pictures. Also, the instructor that teaches aunty Lucy & Lily was quite hostile and told us not to take pictures. But our instructor told us to feel free in taking pictures when we asked if we can take pictires. The trial class for bread making calls for Cinnamon Raisin Roll & Ham Mayonnaise Roll.The "before baking" look of our breadAnd there goes our babies into the ovenThe "after baking" lookAgain, pictures time.. lolSelfie with bread =DWe were famished after the class, so we went Lucky Chicken Rice at Lucky Plaza for late lunchTrixie just got her bonus, so treated us lunch=)We had an enjoyable bread making session & lunch. Thanks aunty Lily for bringing us =)

ABC Cooking Studio
391A Orchard Road #03-12 
Ngee Ann City Tower A
Singapore 238873
Tel: 6694 6104
Operating Hours: 10 am - 8 pm

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