Saturday 2 May 2015

Share A Coke, Singapore!

I'm sure by now most of you have already heard about the "Share A Coke" campaign has hit our shore, and it will be here till end of August in celebration of SG50

Cooke/ Coke light/ Coke Zero on the market will carry local terms/ nicknames/ singlish phrases. However, you can also customize one with your own name on it!

Check out the amount of coke I have in my trolley & guest how many cans/ how much worth of coke are there?
Heehee... $61 (87 cans) worth of coke! Why so much? Cos every $10 worth of coke purchase entitles you to customize 1 can of your own. Simple steps to customize your name.Pass the receipt of your purchase to the staff & key in your nameWait!10 mins (depending of the queue) later, tadaa ~~ 4 of sis & her 3DsUltimate fan like me must have 2 cans =DOne with my real name ~ Pauline TanAnother, my social media name ~ milkfrostMe ~ the ultimate coke fan =)Back home, the boys posing with their own cokehaha... seriously, Coke overdose lah! =DThis is one of those floating in the marketThe other day, I got one with "kor kor", so Daryl has to pose with itOf cos, I must pose with this since I happen to buy this from 7-Eleven =D

For those who are keen to customize on of your own, do check out the link above for dates/ venue of the roadshow and have fun customizing! 

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