Friday 11 April 2014

The White Rabbit

It's Sam's birthday month & she gets to choose the venue for her birthday celebration. She choose The White Rabbit cos we didn't manage to dine there during my birthday month last yea due to a private event held at TWR

I met up with Fiona earlier at Somerset313 to buy cake for Sam & then went to meet Theresa & Janice at Parkmall to hitch a ride from Angeline

After a few wrong turns, we finally reached The White Rabbit. Yeah to Google map & an experienced driver =)

Main entrance. It was drizzling when we reach, so I didn't snap pictures of other parts of this beautifully restored chapel-tuned-restaurant

We are definitely blown away by the beautiful setting of the restaurant

Fresh breads were served after placing our orders. I wasn't very hungry, so I only took up the tomato roll, which is soft & fluffy. Butter is served on a cold plate at the side

Fiona says Eeling keeps bombing them with selfies, so we did some selfies to bomb her back while waiting for our food to be served

Sam & Fiona ordered some hot tea & it comes with a cute little short-crust rabbit 

4 of us had the set dinner menu which includes a salad, an appetizer, a main dish & a dessert while Sam & Theresa goes for ala carte

Salad Printenps - asapagrus, mango, avocado, mesclun with house dressing. I was told that they ran out of mango & will replace it with bigger portion of avocado. To my dismay, the portion of avocado is not even quarter if an avocado. As for the dressing, I couldn't really make out if there is any. It taste like it's just lightly salted.

Wagyu Carpaccio - shredded parmesan, celery cress, balsamic pearls, truffle cream. Wagyu almost melts in the mouth. Taste pretty good, but Janice finds it a little bland while Angeline & myself find it a little salty. 

As I just had my tooth implant, I opt for Seabass en Papillote. The original menu item offered is Grilled Atlantic Cod but it is not available. Seabass on it's own is a little bland but it pairs very well with the broth

Other items from the set menu which Angeline, Fiona & Janice chooses.

Foie Gras Duet- salt-cured with apple flan and pan seared with cherry compote. While the foie gras did impress her, she won't agree on the other. 

36-hours Brandt Short Ribs served with truffle miso glaze, parsnip purée and field mushrooms. Ribs are well marinated & tender. However, I find the portion is a little small

Sam & Theresa shared Black Truffle Roast Free-range Chicken for two. The chicken is very tender & moist. Both the girls are very pleased with their choice

Sam also ordered the English Peas w/ Crisp bacon to go with her chicken dish, but was slightly disappointed as she mentioned that the peas are a little dry & the bacon are not crispy

Theresa, on the other hand ordered the boring (only I find it boring cos I don't like cheese) Truffle Mac & Cheese & most of them says it's superb! 

Desserts ~~~~~ Dessert offered on the menu - Chocolate Moelleux & Crêpes Suzette. 

Of cos it's Chocolate Moelleux for me! Molten centre, passion fruit ice cream. Yummy-licious but the chocolate doesn't flows cos well, it's in the cup lah. Both chocolate cake & passion fruit ice cream compliments each other very well.

Theresa had White Chocolate Soufflé with Valrhona Opalys chocolate chip ice cream. Soufflé is soft & fluffy & holds the shape really well as it doesn't collapse even after we're done being paparazzi! Erm, did I mentioned paparazzi? 

Yes! We became paparazzi when the server started preparing the Crêpes Suzette at out table-side! 

Wow! I'm impressed cos you don't get to see this is most restaurants. The last time I had one such dish was at Spruce, but they only torched it when the dish is on the table.

The server is also quite nice to write a Birthday note on the plate that is being served to Sam =)

Happy Birthday, Sam! 

At this point of time, one of the guy seated at the table behind us offered to sing Sam a Birthday song & he actually got all his dinner mates (approx 10 pax) to sing together!

Then we got the server to bring out the cake we bought from Chocolate Origin for Sam (as requested, her choice of cake). We are a little shy to sing birthday song again cos the same guy asked if we wants them to sing for Sam again. We end up singing very softly & after which, we share half of the cake with them.

This is the guy who offered to lend a vocal & he's so funny cos after helping us to snap a group picture using Sam's camera, he joined in when I tried to take a selfie using my monopod & then took my monopod to show all of his dinner mates! =D

*group pix grabbed from Sam

Wah, outside toilet also quite pretty

Last picture before we call it a day. This Rabbit Hole leads to a bar!

While the ambiance & service get a thumbs up from me, I wouldn't say the say for the set menu as the portion is pretty small for the price we pay ($98++), but we'll probably be back to try the weekend brunch someday. I also wouldn't mind going back just for desserts!

The White Rabbit
39C Harding Road, Singapore 249541
Tel: 9721 0536
Opening hours
Tue - Fri:
12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Sat - Sun:
10:30 am - 3:00 pm
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Closed on Mondays


  1. quite expensive i think... i have not been there yet because i heard mixed reviews too. thanks for this. i enjoyed reading this.

  2. Hi Michelle,

    Yes, I totally agree it's rather pricey. I guess what we're paying for is the ambiance & service rather than the food.
