Wednesday 25 December 2013

Family Gathering, Christmas 2013

Tis the season to be jolly, falalalala lalalala

Christmas is round the corner, thus celebrations/ gathering are coming in one-by-one! First on the list, family gathering at Aunty Lucy's house. My silly nephew, Daryl listed Aunty Lucy's house no.4 in his list of Places of Interest! so funny.. haha

Lots of tidbits available for the kiddos that will be coming

The big Christmas Tree

Daryl & Damien take turns to play with cousin, Fabian's Star Wars helmet

Apart from Neo Garden catering, Aunty Lucy also ordered from Pizza Hut & Sakae Sushi

Drinks for the kiddos

Nathan, my cutest nephew is a little moody cos he just work up from nap

Oops.. we have a drunk Reindeer!

Sis got arrow to do story telling & she's lost cos she didn't even read to her own boys.. haha

Oh.. look who's here! It's Santa & he's giving presents who are good the whole year round!

Ok, the boys are good the whole year, so they got presents & a photo with Santa

Amy's friend bought party hats, so we fooled around with it since there're extras after all the kids got theirs'

Wow... got balloon sculpture artist also. This young chap is very good in doing it. Not only the kids are fascinated, the adults are as excited as the kids

Damien's Mind-craft sword

Jack's got a gun

Oh.. Nathan caught a Blue Fish

Whose bunny?

Well, me of cos requested for a Tiger

Nathan got another Duck. This Duck is pretty cute cos it can be a standing duck, it can also be a siting duck

Very cute Snake

A female Elephant

Then it's.... .... camwhore time with the cousins & aunties! This year the aunties are sporting to join us for pictures

My bro & his family

My 5 nephews!

heehee... continue cam-whoring cos nothing to do 

Mahjong time! eh, found one more pretty horse balloon

eh Ida, whatcha doin? Advertising Lays & Coke arh? 

My innovative cousins eats potato chips with chopsticks cos dun wanna dirty their fingers & mahjong tiles.. hahaha

Not very lucky in mahjong cos lost $40.. tiles are so lap-sap the whole night.. the swee tiles tio hijack by others.. zzzzzz

Game finishes at abt 11.30pm cos we started quite late. Aunty Lucy asked if we wanna play overnight, but I can't cos going to the Multiply's Christmas Gathering at 11am the next day! 

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