Tuesday 14 May 2013

Feeling Nostalgia

Lately my aunties & uncles are feelong nostalgic & they started sharing old pictures, so I thought I might as well put it up here so I can view it anytime I want, anytime I like

Sis & me - mum hand-sew her dress

Us again & yes, we're always in identical dresses. Mum hand-sew these dresses also

Our first Genting Trip back in 1983. Me super grouchy cos vomited a lot in the coach along the way =(

wahaha... during one of i=our day-trip to Chinese garden during Chinese New Year, got forced by my mum to wear these costumes for photo taking

Dad - many says he resemble George Lam, probably of the moustache =D

Sis & cousin, Joylyn

Dad & his god-daughter Ida, who is also my cousin abd yes, we have a swing at our balcony during those days when we're staying in 5-room flat

This is also Ida, the old-school rocking chair is a standard chair in most families those days

Grandpa giving sis Christmas present

Grandma at dad's wake

Top: Grandma with her siblings, mum (the one in red) & my eldest uncle's wife. Dunno who's the baby in my mum's arm thou. I think it's me
Bottom: Grandpa & his sons

Both pictures above are my grandparents

Dad when he's super young. Think during the army days

Some pictures of my aunties & uncles which I seriously can't remember who is who!

Seriously, I'm not sure if this is my dad or uncle Sam. I think it's uncle Sam

My cousin Filbert - from fat to handsome in 6 mths time!

Grandma, & I think this is during my Brother's birthday

Happy Mother's Day, Ah Ma!

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