Saturday 20 April 2013

Random Updates

Some random stuffs this week!

I've been munching on either Pocky or the Potato Snack lately, so I decided to munch on something else.

Finally eating the lemon gummy Fiona bought from her previous Japan trip. Oooh~~ so sour yet delicious! hehe

Having a cup of Earl Grey Tea on a rainy Wednesday 

Since I'm date-less, I decided to head down to True Yoga & work my ass on Wednesday. Forgot to bring my new tumbler, so I took this 7.5yr old tumbler from office & realized that it's leaking from the rim

Muscle aching after a session of Hot Yoga cos it's been long time since I last went!

Colleagues decided to order McDonald's for lunch, so I ordered the new Double Black Pepper Flamer with Thai Citrus Fries & Lychee Fizz on Thursday. I quite like the new shaker Fries cos it's a little sour & it's with a little hint of Tom Yum. As for the Black Pepper Flamer, I find it a little dry & it's not as spicy as McSpicy

Went for another session of Hot Yoga on Thursday evening. 

It's Friday night, so I decided to take a rest from Yoga! Indulge in McDonald's again. This time I ordered Double McSpicy. This is still my favorite burger. I swear I can eat this everyday if I'm still working at McDonald's!

Snacking on corn while taking a break at work on Saturday morning.

Late lunch bought from Food court at Junction10. Wanted to buy the $2.30 Nasi Lemak but the stall has closed down already! Even most of the stalls at food court are also closed! wonder how long will the food court last!

Saturday evening was instant noodle dinner. Daryl wanted wanton noodle, so sis bought some charsiew from Sheng Siong, and she added CP wanton to the noodle!

Mine with only 2 chili padi & my tongue is already burning

Sis's bowl has got 5 chili padi & 2 spoonful of sambal blechan!

Since weather is so hot, we had some ice-cream after dinner. I added some chocolate chips & granola w/almonds

I don't like almonds, but the almond here is quite nice & it's sweet. 

Spent most of the time watching TVB online to catch up those episodes that I've missed on past few days

Looking forward to Hi-tea session tomorrow with a few of the girls for Vivian's farewell.

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