Sunday 17 February 2013

Happy 蛇年。。。年初八

It's the Multiply's Yearly Chinese New Year Gathering. 
This year, Theresa plays host! 

The 7 Most Evil Girls in the Multiply! 

Part of the spread & dips

Tom Yum Soup for the girls

Clear Chicken Soup for the kids & their daddies

Janice bought Angry Bird Biscuits for the kids

The happy people!

haha.. Mr Goh making funny face at the back!\

Warren happy to be "cooking" his own food!

There's aunty got her Almond Jelly Longan dessert. 
I only eat longan, while Cheryl only ate the almond jelly

Sam bought Yusheng from Ichaiban

The kids also had their share of Yusheng cos Eeling's neighbor gave her 1 set, so she brought it over

The kids happily tossing the yusheng!

The aftermath! haha

Our turn to louhei!

The aftermath

Photo taking time~~

The host & her funny ah lao

Alright, group pix!

heehee.. Thanks for the angbaos, girls =)

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