Sunday 23 December 2012

Nephew's Day-Out (I)

Since I'm on leave, decided to bring the boys out. Daryl choose to go Universal Studios Singapore cos Damien have not been there yet 

usual lah.. snapping away in the cab

Super long queue to get in! 

While sis is queuing to rent the stroller, the boys are reading the map.. but I wonder how Damien read the map upside down?! 

kweng kweng.. the name was printed wrongly! haha

Spotted Kunfu Panda while sis is queuing for the stroller, so I grabbed the boys to take photo w/out her! 

The boys enjoys the stroller more then the rides! 

This time, we decided to start from New York instead of Madagascar

Only took few snaps at New York

Sesame Street Characters =)

We didn't stay for the show cos the boys are tired

Next, we went for Transformers Ride

*Whee~~ Damien is above 102cm, so he can take the ride also! 

Both the boys enjoyed the Transformers Ride very much! 

Next, the boring Accelerator.. lol

Then for lunch.. check out the amount of food Damien ate!

We skipped The Ancient World, Lost World & Far Far Away cos Daryl finds the rides there boring after the Transformers Ride! 

To Madagascar - Somehow he finds the Merry-Go-Round interesting.. haha

Then to the Crate Adventure boat ride cos the past 3 visit, it wasn't open yet

For the benefit for those who have yet to take the boat ride, here's what you see inside

Then we hang around for the Madagascar show

and a snap with the characters

To the retail store before we head to Vivo

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