Tuesday 27 November 2012

Steamboat again!

A-Team meets for dinner since most of us are free. Prakash suggested going for tulang @ Beach Road but Doreen & myself are not interested, so we end up having steamboat @ 重庆正宗老火锅.

Myself, Doreen, Carol & Jenny meet up at Bugis Junction & walked over to chop seat first cos Prakash & Fizah both overslept, while Nizam, Rafi & Kogu went swimming at ONEdegree15 before coming over. Angela is stuck in jam, so she's late!

重庆正宗老火锅 opp Shaw Tower

What a nice table number.. my favorite! 

Double pot with Tom Yum & Chicken

Sauces.. chilli, sesame sauce (not nice) & peanut sauce

Stuffs we had.. 2 pots for 10 of us, so 1 pot is strictly no pork allowed while 1 pot is no beef allowed

Seafood stuffs

Ready to start without the guys! 

Table & food for 10.. first round only.. haha

Miss Doreen

with Carol, my "lesbian" .. ok, I'm perfectly straight but cos I see her more than I see my own sister, everyone calls her my lesbian ;p

Head down to Ah Chew Desserts after steamboat

Table 17, Carol's favorite number.. but we were "shifted" to another table after awhile, which is what I don't like about it. 

Myself & the girls while waiting for the desserts

Desserts came in less than 10 mins.

Disappointment #1 - They shouldn't insisted that customers shift to another table to accommodate other customers. 

Disappointment #2 - Peanut Paste that I ordered look thick enough, but is totally tasteless! 

Disappointment #3 - Place is so stuffy & hot! Cannot feel aircon at all 

I don't think I would visit again unless really necessary

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