Friday 30 November 2012

Bossini Staff Discount applies to you :)

Bossini is having Xmas sale from 1st to 4th Dec 2012 and you can enjoy up to 50% off.

The mechanics: 30% off on top of the store discount
Meaning... ... if the item @ $29 is on 50% off, you can get additional 30% off, meaning you only pay $10.15. WOW!
Additional 5% off for $100 & above purchase

Simply give this special code <8207> to the cashier upon payment.

Kindly help to forward this message to your friends and family to enjoy this special promotion.

Thursday 29 November 2012


Are you a Fridge magnets & Instagram fanatic? This is something that you would love!

Turn your Instagram photos into fridge magnets @ Stickygram

Yes, you saw it right. It's US$14.99 for sheet of 9 & most importantly, it's FREE shipping!

All you need to do is... ... 
1.Login to Stickygram with your Instagram accout; 
2. Select 9 photos, confirm order, payment & you're done! 

Just a few clicks, and you'll be expecting your Instagram photos turned into magnets within 7-12days. 

Just like my friend, Vivian mentions on her blog: "This website is wicked"

In few minutes, I spent US$42.97 (with Vivian's $2 discount code)! Can't wait for the actual product to be delivered!

Sounds interesting? Then get your fingers moving! 

Get $2 off your first order with my discount code: FRIENDF6HL

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Steamboat again!

A-Team meets for dinner since most of us are free. Prakash suggested going for tulang @ Beach Road but Doreen & myself are not interested, so we end up having steamboat @ 重庆正宗老火锅.

Myself, Doreen, Carol & Jenny meet up at Bugis Junction & walked over to chop seat first cos Prakash & Fizah both overslept, while Nizam, Rafi & Kogu went swimming at ONEdegree15 before coming over. Angela is stuck in jam, so she's late!

重庆正宗老火锅 opp Shaw Tower

What a nice table number.. my favorite! 

Double pot with Tom Yum & Chicken

Sauces.. chilli, sesame sauce (not nice) & peanut sauce

Stuffs we had.. 2 pots for 10 of us, so 1 pot is strictly no pork allowed while 1 pot is no beef allowed

Seafood stuffs

Ready to start without the guys! 

Table & food for 10.. first round only.. haha

Miss Doreen

with Carol, my "lesbian" .. ok, I'm perfectly straight but cos I see her more than I see my own sister, everyone calls her my lesbian ;p

Head down to Ah Chew Desserts after steamboat

Table 17, Carol's favorite number.. but we were "shifted" to another table after awhile, which is what I don't like about it. 

Myself & the girls while waiting for the desserts

Desserts came in less than 10 mins.

Disappointment #1 - They shouldn't insisted that customers shift to another table to accommodate other customers. 

Disappointment #2 - Peanut Paste that I ordered look thick enough, but is totally tasteless! 

Disappointment #3 - Place is so stuffy & hot! Cannot feel aircon at all 

I don't think I would visit again unless really necessary

Monday 26 November 2012

Steamboat @ Punggol

An impromptu steamboat & mahjong session organized by Fiona at her Punggol Place

Me with my colorful Marc By Marc Jacob tote & Cotton On Recycle bag cos I took some frozen stuffs from office & home. Look so Obasan lah! haha

Myself, Janice & Angeline was there early to help Fiona with the preparation

Janice bought some stuffs from Tiong Bahru Bakery

Sauces for steamboat. Super love the Blachan Chilli that I brought along. Sesame dip above also super nice! Thanks to my cousin, Trixie who introduce it to us last year!

Prawns, Mussels, Crab meat, Cockles, CP Shrimp Wonton & Top shell which I prepared

Other food stuffs we had!

heehee... I also brought a bottle of Martini from home & bought some pre-mix mixer from Cold Storage

2 Hotpots ... ... Tom Yum for us girls; Chicken for the young kids & the men

Ready to attack! 

The young girls - Ji Eun, Tong Tong & Ji Hye. Davion MIA! haha

US =)

~~Cheers for 4 years of friendship~~

Dessert .. Sam bought ice-cream & Angeline made Kueh Kosui

Post-Birthday celebration for Angeline cos we forgot to sing her Birthday song during the celebration the other day at Antoniette. Too bad Wendy is in Taiwan, else will do a post-birthday celebration for her as well

Fiona's new mahjong table! Thanks to Drexler for "squeezing" it into his Honda Airwave! 

While we were playing mahjong, the girls came out & says they're hungry. After eating, they started dancing, From the blur blur photos, can you figure out what dance? 

Bingo! It's Oppa Gangnum Style! hahaha

We were hungry too, so Fiona cooked mee-suah for us... .. but look at how she placed the bowls? faint! 

We continued playing after supper & yes, from the look of Drexler & my crumpled face, can tell who is the loser of the night already. 

We had so much fun gossiping, steamboat-ing, mahjong-ing & drinking! 

Thanks Fiona for hosting & all the girls for helping to buy stuffs over!

Chiso Zanmai & Movie

CCSS-ians meet for dinner at Chisozanmai @ The Central last Friday. 

I suggested this place after seeing Eeling's blog about on her Birthday celebration & didn't realized that this place used to be Fishermen Market. Luckily the food selection & quality is better, price is also more reasonable compared to the previous Fishermen Market. 

We were initially shown to a table at a corner, but we requested for a change of table cos the area was way too dim. Service was quite good (initially) I would say.

Above are the food selections available

Hee.. the stuffs I had for my dinner

Everything was up to our expectations till Anthony asked the staff to clear away this plate of Salmon with blood on it. The staff brought this plate of sashimi to the manager on duty. 

The manager on duty spoke to Anthony, saying that there is a wastage charge for sashimi & insisted that we either pay for the wastage or finish up the plate of sashimi cos he insisted that their Salmon was freshly sliced. it was only when Emily mentioned that Salmon Sashimi are not supposed to have blood on it, then the manager says that we shouldn't take so many at one go & says he will not charge us for the wastage.

Honestly, have u eaten any Salmon sashimi with blood on it before? 

Sigh... ... disappointed!

Saw an interesting mahjong tree in one of the retail shop at The Central before we head to Orchard Cineleisure for movie. Wish I have space at home for this Mahjong Christmas Tree!

Alamak, they choose to watch Breaking Dawn2 & I didn't even watch the previous 3 episodes. I had to Wiki Twilight  so that I can try & figure out what happens before this! To prevent myself from falling asleep, I had to buy some nuts to keep me awake. Good thing I didn't fall asleep! haha