Thursday 20 September 2012

Chocolate Making Session

Bought this deal from Groupon: $25 for 3 Hour Chocolate Live Demonstration and Sampling Workshop at Light Love Laughter in Bukit Timah

Live and interactive demonstration of chocolate making
Learn the history of chocolate from bean to bar
Fresh chocolate samples to taste 
Uses natural ingredients that are low in fat, organic and preservative-free
Great activity for couples or friends

Introduction to cacao (chocolate) and its benefits 
Live demonstration and sampling: 
- Anti-aging chocolate nuggets
- Low-fat chocolate ice-cream
- Skin enhancing chocolate mousse 
Recipes to take home

Venue @ Cluny Court

Introduction of Cacao

First recipe: Angel Nuggets

Volunteer for making Angel Nuggets. Coincidentally, she happens to be my ex-colleague's girlfriend!

The Angel Nuggets - nice, but I don't like the whatever seed mix in there! 

2nd recipe: Hot Chocolate
Personally, I find the cacao powder too little & too much milk.. Not chocolaty enough & too sweet for hot chocolate

Then they go on to intro all the organic ingredients you need to make all the 4 recipes! 

3rd recipe: Chocolate Ice Cream

yirks.. I don't like cos too banana-ly! Seriously, I can't take banana cos it makes me constipate! 

**side track a bit: Everyone has been telling me "no, banana helps u to relieve, not constipate" ..
but, "yes, banana can cause constipation!" 

anyway, back to the class... ...

Last recipe: Chocolate Mousse

looks abit yucky huh? cos of the Avocados...  try this recipe only if you like avocado! 

**Honestly, I find this chocolate making session a waste of time cos the actual live demonstration is only 30 mins or less, but the introduction of other stuffs takes up the other 2.5hrs! Luckily it's only $25, else I would have bang my head against the wall! 

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