Sunday 30 September 2012


It' 中秋节 today & it's a rare Sunday that I've got NO activities, so decided to sleep in till late! 

Woke up about 10.45am to the sight of Weezer siting quietly beside my bed! 

Sis cooked lunch: Bak Kut Teh; Steam Chicken (bought frm market); Tofy w/Mushroom; 
Spinach; Vegetarian Luncheon Meat & Fried Eggs

Damien is so hungry that's he not waiting for anyone! haha

Since it's 中秋节, moon cake & pomelo is a must-have on the alter. Did you spot anything unusual? 

This looks unusual right? The 2 brown thingy is mini yam & the black one is actually "Bat Nuts", the chinese call it 菱角, which is only available on 中秋节

Closer look of 菱角

Than myself, Daryl & Damien started fooling around with the 菱角.. lol

Maid fried Mee Suah for dinner

Myself & sis fooling around with Frostie while waiting for Daryl's 二叔 

The old-school lantern =)

Myself, sis, the boys & their cousins than lighted our lanterns & marched to the playground for some fun!

at the Playground! 

and so that's me, wishing everyone 中秋节快乐  =)


  1. dear cousin, nice to see you blogging =)))
    will keep checking back!

  2. Thanks cousin! no choice leh.. may favorite Multiply is shutting down in Dec, so must find other platform.

  3. after so many years , they are shutting down.... i still have some pictures there.
    will go copy them before they are gone forever.

  4. yes.. after 8 years, & they're shutting down on 1 Dec 12.. so sad =(
