Monday 24 September 2012

2012 Formula 1 - Final Race Night

Met up with Evelyn after Vivian's Birthday Lunch cos we're go to ... ... ... ...
Formula 1 Race Night!

Went to Dean & Deluca for dinner cos there seems to be lots of hype about this place

OMG, look at the shelfings! lots of pretty ingredients available. I think I can easily spend $200 here!

Nice pastries/ breads being displayed! 

Evelyn ordered a cuppa of hot tea & the tea bag damn cute lah.. got a little tea leaf attached to it

Evelyn, my buddy for food!

Can't remember what she ordered.. 

My choice of dinner - American Country Breakfast! How blessed it is to be able to have breakfast at 6pm! what else can I ask for? I'm a sucker for anything with eggs, bacon & sausage, so I'm super thrilled that they have an all-day breakfast menu available!

The tickets Evelyn managed to get (FREE) - Premier Walkabout. Which means we can actually walk around the entire circuit!

Since we can walk around the entire circuit, we decided to enter by Gate 3 which is at Cityhall

Eve checking out the map & see where should we go! 

This seems like a "must-have" photo cos everyone's queuing for it! haha

Next, we walk over to the Padang cos that's where the concert will be after the race

Cute baby we saw! 

This girl actually pose for me when she see me trying to snap a pix of her

Bought dark chocolate ice-cream from Cold Stone Creamery cos it's so hot walking around!

 We stopped outside Esplanade & all I see are cars zooming pass & the loud noise! The moved so fast you can't even see the car clearly, let alone the driver!

Since our tickets are "walkabout", we do not have the luxury to sit down cos all the available viewing platforms are already full. So we decided to move back to Padang & wait for the concert to start. Anyway, we can also watch the race from the huge screen

The winner! 

Snap this while waiting for concert to start

Look at the crowd! Can you guess who is the performing artist? 

Light's off! 

and the concert begins! Yes, it's Katy Perry! 

Concert started at about 10.30pm & ended at about 12am! 

I'm not a fan, but I must say "Katy Perry" rocks lah! 

After the concert, we were directed to Raffles Place MRT from Cityhall MRT cos it's too congested. We were allowed to walk on the race track so that we can reach MRT station faster. OMG, so many crazy people lying on the road taking picture!

Honestly, I'm not really into the race, but since it's FOC tickets, why not right? 

The overall experience is quite fun actually! 

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