Saturday 8 January 2011

Nikon P7000

Initially wanted to buy Canon G12, but when i check with Andrew, he says Canon has the trademark of "lens black-out" after 2 yrs, so he recommend Nikon P7000 cos it's comparable to Canon G12. Carol on the other hand recommended Lumix LX-5

tru Andrew's recommendation, Carol & myself went down to TK foto at Funan to take a look at the cameras. Price shown on display is $659 but they quoted $645 (with 1x8GB SD card + camera case)

Carol then brought me to her friend's shop at lvl5 cos tt shop sells mainly Nikon cameras. Her friend also quoted $645, but the way he speak, damn "haolian" lor.. when Carol ask him abt Nikom P7000, his reply was:

"I won't sell you that camera cos it's a very lousy camera. It's just copying Canon G12. If you want to buy, you buy lor.. then u prepare to throw away.. if u ask me, i will sell u a DSLR lor" 

*think i dumb arh? DSLR more expensive mah.. but i dun wan to get one now!

When he say that, some customers actually turned their heads & look at us lor.. ...make me look like a stupid idiot lor.. tmd!!!!

ok lor, since you're not interested to sell, i also dun wanna buy from u!

Of cos everyone has different reviews/likes/dislikes on camera, but i would rather hear frm a photographer then a seller. So we went back to TK foto & comparing Canon G12, Nikon P7000 & Lumix LX-5, my final decision is still Nikon P7000. 

anyway, here's the pix of my new toy.. 
for specs & reviews of the camera 

a test shot on opposite block with my current samsung (night, w/out flash)
and a test shot on the Nikon (w/out flash but dunno what mode cos i haven figure it out)

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