Tuesday 4 August 2009

Long wait at the polyclinic

i had this little lump on my right hand since young & once awhile when i sleep in a weird position, i'll wake up with a slight pain on the lump.. and the pain goes away in less than an hours time after i rub some zambuk on it.. but this time round, the pain is there since last wed and its not getting any better, no choice i have to take mc today cos the pain is unbearable

i know it's gonna be a long wait, but still i decided to go polyclinic.. thinking jus in case i need to go for xray, i can do it there on the same day.. waited 2hrs jus to consult a doctor and ... hohoho.. im out of the room in less than 5mins cos doctor says the lump could be due to muscle cramp or has got something to do with the muscle, and xray wont show anything and i have to go see a specialist at NUH! argh... i shld have jus gone to private clinic to get referral letter to see the specialist in NUH!

after waiting for 2hrs to consult doctoer, have to wait another 45mins jus to get packet of painkiller, a packet of pill to prevent gastric & a tube of gel to apply on the affected area.. argh.. waste my time!

the wait is really long lor.. luckily i brought my Nintendo DS, else i'll get bored to death..

but hor.. one stupid irritating uncle keeps making so much noise at the nurse cos he waited for 2hrs & its not his turn to see doctor yet.. complaining to those ppl seating beside him, making comments like

"wah, the wait is so long, like that all patients die oredi lor.. issit trainee doctor? iya, tell those trainee doctor to go other clinic lah".. 

super irritating lor.. really feel like asking him to shut up & wait lah.. if cannot wait, then go private clinic!
anyway.. the pain is still there while im typing away.. hopefully the painkiller & get works cos my appt with the specialist is only on 17th Aug

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