Friday 10 July 2009

Ju Ju Hokkaido Hotpot

Charlene's belated birthday treat from us.. she wanted to have either japanese or chinese food, so i tot maybe we shld try this cos i jus saw a post at multiply few days ago and i remember my sis saying that this is nice.. 

i called at 12pm to make booking at 7pm, and was told that they can give us outside seating cos there's a company function gg on.. aiya, anything lah.. since outside seatng oso got air-con cos its still within the building.. reach at 7.05p & waited for the girls till 7.40pm, and i was given some japanese fried 面线 & bread while waiting for the girls

due to the outside seating, we were given the use of the yin-yang pot instead of the mini-pot.. some hiccups initially with carol's yin-yang pot is unable to heat & boil the soup.. the staffs were too busy with the company event & forgot to serve carol & judith tea.. and judith jokingly told the guy (i think he's the mgr cos not wearing uniform) she wants compensation.. for that, we got a complimentary plate of beef & golden mushroom.. 

judith super thick-skin lor.. she bargain for coke oso but the guy says cannot cos coke very expensive, but he bring us 2 cute pots of apple-rose tea.. & the super-thick--girl ask for more drinks!! bingo.. the guy bring us one more pot of apple-rose, one pot peach-camomile, and one pot of grapefruit! 

and instead of 4 desserts for 4 set meals, we got 5 desserts.. 

thumbs up for the food presentation, taste & also the friendly staffs & of cos... good service (of cos lah, so many complimentary stuff)

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