Friday 17 April 2009

*Testing of gadgets

went Marina Barrage last wk with Evelyn, so i brought along my 

new toy (Holga K200NFEL) to test it out.. somehow something's 

wrong with the flash, thus only a few pix is viewable..

haven change my Holga K200NFEL, so can only use outdoor cos 

no flash.. my 3 Lens Disderi oso no flash, so onoy for outdoor

 was out with Daryl last sun @ Vivo & Sentosa, so test my 3 Lens 

Disderi again. result turn out to be quite good cos its taken in bright 

daylight... =)

as for the instant underwater camera, din really try cos both evelyn & myself did not bring any xtra clothing, so we din went underwater.

**screenshots grabbed from

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