Tuesday 22 April 2008

Busy Sunday - Little India & ONEDegree15

went shopping alone at Metro CWP for dress, before meeting up with Jenny for lunch & then to her hse to write the temple wedding invitation card... dun undertand why it's a must to put the yellow water thingy on the 4 corners of the envelope, but I just do it since Kogu say's it's a trditional thing to do so..

once done, we went to the Aisle to collect Kogu & Jenny's wedding album & the same time, the guys (Rafi, Nizam, Mike & Prakash) went thr to try on the bestman coat for dinner.. as for us (Shuzhen, Angela & myself) decided to buy our own dress for dinner cos we want it in black =)

as soon as we're done at the Aisle, we went to Little India to get Shuzhen's saree & the suit for the guys.. but unfortunately, the shop is closed =(

& finally, we went to ONE*15 Marina Club @ Sentosa Cove for a nice dinner... plus cuppa tea @ their bar & mahjong on the electronic table @ their members' lounge

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