Wednesday 23 April 2008


Kim Gary.. a rstn which I used to frequent... but after 21 Apr 08, things will be different. why?

firstly, what I ordered was not available. Not becos its sold out for the day.. but its been taken off the menu! WTH?! if its taken off the menu, then the mgmt shld at the very least stick a "not available" sticker on the menu to prevent customers frm asking for it
secondly, at abt 9.30pm, another waitres came & ask if I have any last order.. how to have more orders when I haven even started??
last but not least, when my noodle came, im so hungry i jus started eating away.. jus when im abt to finish eating...


when I asked thr mgr on duty to take a look, he just keep staring at the bowl of noodle & the pc of metal, obviously he din know what he shld do! after staring it for awhile he finall offered to change a new bowl for me which i decline & ask for refund instead.. so he jus took my bowl of noodle, walk away & din even offer to find out the reason & a satisfactory explaination!

Mushroom Pot & Haagan Dazs

An advance birthday dinner for Ailing @ Mushroom Pot, follow by dessert @ Haagan Dazs 
Handmade gift fro Ailing from Judith

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Busy Sunday - Little India & ONEDegree15

went shopping alone at Metro CWP for dress, before meeting up with Jenny for lunch & then to her hse to write the temple wedding invitation card... dun undertand why it's a must to put the yellow water thingy on the 4 corners of the envelope, but I just do it since Kogu say's it's a trditional thing to do so..

once done, we went to the Aisle to collect Kogu & Jenny's wedding album & the same time, the guys (Rafi, Nizam, Mike & Prakash) went thr to try on the bestman coat for dinner.. as for us (Shuzhen, Angela & myself) decided to buy our own dress for dinner cos we want it in black =)

as soon as we're done at the Aisle, we went to Little India to get Shuzhen's saree & the suit for the guys.. but unfortunately, the shop is closed =(

& finally, we went to ONE*15 Marina Club @ Sentosa Cove for a nice dinner... plus cuppa tea @ their bar & mahjong on the electronic table @ their members' lounge