Tuesday 27 November 2007

True Life Story - Krystal the Siberian Husky

was browsing tru my message board & came across this bloghttp://rhair78.multiply.com/journal/item/139/Crystals_expecting..._probably and it was sad to hear that once again, she's being dump aside after her 2nd pregnancy

now.. speakng from Krystal's view
"can't really remember how my 1st owner looks like.. i was given to JY (my 2nd owner) for some un-explainable reason. JY than dump me at his mum's hse cos his girlfriend doesn't like me at all & objects me steping into her hse! unfortunately, JY's mum was unable to take care of me cos she has to take care of my 3 other friends.

soon, i have to move hse again.. this time, im being moved into a landed property! wow~~ life was good man.. i had alot space to move around, i had my own toys, i slept in aircon room, i had nice treats & i had good food like salmon occasionally.. and i had great company from k&J as well as their friends!

din really get to see JY as he only comes by once in a blue moon to take me out to play.. but i was so scared & cold when he leash me outside the door on one rainy night when he bring me home late.. dun understand why he left me outside the door instead of calling K&J to bring me into the hse.. & once again, he disappear before my eyes for months...

one fine day, i heard JY calling K, telling him that he had already made arangement to mate me! despite objections, he insist in mating me.. so i become the victim & guess wat? JY immediately went missing again.. & he only appears when he found out that i gave birth to Berry & Bubble.

soon, JY was making plans to sell off  both my puppies.. K&J had huge arguement over me & my puppies.. JY than insist of taking me away if K&J doesn't allows him to sell my puppies.. i guess allowing him to take me away is better than selling off my puppies.. at least i know that my puppies will be in good hands.. & there i go moving hse again..

thats the last i saw K&J, Berry & Bubble.. till now, i dun really know what had happen to me & how i survive.. all i know was, im being left in a petshop after JY took me away from K&J.. i was then left at a plc which i dun even know where it is.. & i was made pregnant the 2nd time & i gave birth to 3 puppies..

dun noe what happen to my 2 girls, but saw JY posting on SPC that my 2 girls were being stolen.. J & her friend, fatty aunty tries to tell the truth, but JY called them "names" , saying that they're liars! sigh... dun now what happens to my boy which JY named him Titan.. & as usual..., im being dump again.. at the plc that JY rented from an old man, and he vanish into thin air

luckily the old man took pity on me, he fed, bath & took me in.. think im pregnant again.. hopefully JY wont know that im pregnant again & than tells everyone that my puppies are being "stolen" again"


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