Wednesday 30 January 2013

Hotdog Puffs

Trying to clear stuffs in freezer so that sis can stock up for CNY, so I decided to bake Hotdog Puffs since there's no more bread for tomorrow's breakfast

4 Vegetarian Puff Pastry
10 Hotdogs
*Optional Ingredients
4 Slice Cheese
3 Slice Ham
2 Cube butter

1. Cut into desired size & roll with hotdog, cheese, ham & butter (whatever ingredients u like)
2. Bake at 220* for 30mins

Ready for tomorrow's breakfast! 

Peanut Cookies

Again, got this recipe from Angeline, so I try baking it since sis is at home last night & I don't have to babysit my nephews

100g Plain Flour
100g Peanut Powder
60g Icing Sugar
75-100ml Peanut Oil
A Pinch of Salt

1. Mix all ingredients to form a dough & roll into ball 
2. Brush with egg wash & bake at 150* for 10-12mins

I stupidly add all the oil into the ingredients and the dough ended up too wet. Checked with Angeline, than only I know that the oil gotta add in bit by bit! No choice, I ended up adding more flour!

Not very nicely done, but it's good for own consumption =)

Carol's Baking

Carol wanted to try her hands on baking since she now has her personal kitchen, so I went over to her place to bake together

Bought breakfast from Toa Payoh Lor 1 Market , as well as some mini bao from the super long queue stall!

While she try her hands on the dough preperation

Amelia helped to roll the pineapple paste

Ready to bake, with 2 funny guys in there!

Their first bake!

To keep the baking mood on, she decided to bake the cornflakes!

Thanks to her Hello Kitty Baking tools, she decided to bake more! 

Wanted to bake peanut butter cookie, but she only has chunky peanut butter at home, so gotta make do with it

Amelia & her cousin having fun

Hello Kitty Peanut Butter Cookie, ready to be baked

She continue baking Hello Kitty Nutella Cookie

Quite a productive day for her I would say! I hope she had fun =)

Monday 28 January 2013


Since we're at Indoor Stadium, we decided to "date" Spencer out for supper so that he can drive us out from the congested area to somewhere else. We ended up at 新旺香港茶餐厅  Marina Square for supper & some gossiping before heading home

Marina Square
No. 6 Raffles Boulevard
Marina Square #01-04
Singapore 039594
Tel: +65-6337 5297

Business Hours: 
Monday to Friday and Eve of PH 
– 11am to 4am
Saturday, Sunday and PH – 10am to 4am

张惠妹 AMeiZING Encore World Tour Live 2013

AMeiZING Encore World Tour Live 2013

Second concert that we went this month, so we bought the cheapest ticket.

This time, I insisted that we buy the ah-lian blinking head bands. Since they doesn't wants to bring home, I made them wear the one with devil horn so that I can bring it home for the boys after the concert

We were seated almost to the top of the Indoor Stadium (no free upgrade this time.. sad)

Lights off at abt 8.20pm & immediately, it started to get HIGH cos the initial songs are rather familiar to me! 

As the concert goes on, the mood gets higher. It was also nice to know that a number of her band members & backup singers are from Singapore! 

At one point of concert, AMei requested everyone to turn off all the blinking headbands & handheld blinking stuffs. Instead, she requested each & everyone to turn on the flash on the mobile phone! The sight of it is so pretty it looks like stars twinkling in the sky!

As this is Amei's very first stop of her World Tour, she had a segment of 40mins non-stop singing!

the concert gets even higher towards the end, and it finally ended with a super HIGH note at 11.45pm! 

AMeiZING Encore World Tour Live 2013 - HIGH 到爆!

Nihon Mura 日本村

Dinner with Ivy & Angela at Nihon Mura 日本村 before going to 张惠妹AMeiZING Encore World Tour Live 2013. Nothing much to rave about at this place, except that it's my first better meal after my 5 days of porridge diet. 

Scallop Mentai - I still prefer the one at TCC!

Prawn Mentai - They way they prepare this is so funny Instead of putting the dressing on the prawn, it is on the shell. Seriously, this is nothing compare to the one we had at Irodori

Sort of miss Irodori.. must go back soon! 

Nihon Mura 日本村
Kallang Leisure Park
5 Stadium Walk
#04-01/02 Leisure Park Kallang
Tel: 68871897

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Pineapple Tarts

Time for baking of Pineaple Tarts!

Got the recipe from Angeline last year & it actually tasted quite nice, so I decided to bake again this year since I've got a proper oven now!

450g Flour
250g Butter
1tsp Vanilla Essence
75g Icing Sugar
2 Egg - *1 for glazing
Pineapple Paste
Salted Egg Yolk - Optional

1. Mix flour & icing sugar together
2. Add butter, mix till resemble bread crumb
3. Add egg, vanilla essence, knead to a dough tt will not stick to hand
4. Roll out & cut into circle
5. Wrap w/pineapple filling & glaze w/egg yolk
6. Bake at 150* for 20 mins
Note: This depends on your oven temperature setting. The original recipe is to bake at 120*

Flour, Butter, Icing Sugar, Vanilla Essence, Egg

Pineapple Paste

Salted Egg Yolk - I added this cos I so miss Pineapple Tarts from Taiwan. They have salted egg yolks in it!

Method as shown above

My ugly-patterned tarts ready for baking

Some are added with salted egg yolks!

The uglier-looking ones are with salted egg yolk

Into the oven they go! 

Ding~~ Ready to eat! 
*a bit ugly looking, but for own consumption, can lah.. lol

**Updated on 28 Jan 13

I've been thinking & thinking... ... why my pineapple tarts takes so long to bake. Even when I'm baking at Carol's house yesterday, it also takes very long to bake. So I scroll back Angeline's initial message to me at ... ...

tada~~~~ it's to bake at 180* lah! not 120*! No wonder how come mine bake at 150* still need to bake so long! 

*bash head* - ok, shall attempt to bake again soon!