Monday 31 December 2012

Last Day of 2012

Kogu called in the afternoon saying that he's cooking dinner, ask me to go over his house at 8pm Luckily I only left home at 8pm cos dinner is only ready at 9.45pm!

Camwhore cos at 9,30pm, dinner is still not ready

Bored Keeren playing with Mike

The he came playing hide & seek with me1

but end up lazing at the end of the sofa

Heeran just woke up at 8.30pm!

Homecooked Chawan Mushi.. for a 1st timer, this is consider good. but it can be smoother.. good try!

Self-marinated & fried Chicken Karagae 


Self-marinated Terriyaki Chicken

Dry Curry Chicken - I prefer the watery type cos this has too much curry powder & capsicum

Almost-full Japanese dinner, but Jenny's mum cooked Fishball & Seaweed soap! haha

Keeren actively running around

Instead of having dinner, he prefers milk. So he was lazing on my leg, drinking milk after our dinner!

haha.. than he gave me foot massage

and moving to tummy massage!

Since no mahjong, we decided to Cheers to 2013 in advance!

Cheers to 2013!

Keeren cheers with his water bottle!

Than he cheers with me with ribena! 

3 of us - Mike, Jenny & myself

and finally ending 2012 with a sweet drink :)

All The Best in 2013, Folks!

Year 2012 has been a relatively busy year for me with lots of activities & feasting with friends & family members.

Unhappy moments will be put aside after today & will be forgotten!

 I'm also glad to be blessed with plenty of nice & pretty people in my life so far & it has been quite good to me.. except the fact that I'm still Single! haha

I hereby Wishes Each & Everyone of you 
A Happy Blessed 2013

Forget the Past & Embrace the Future with Open Arms! 

Sunday 30 December 2012

The Voodoos at the Zoo!

Thanks to a work-related contact, I got 2 free tickets to Singapore Zoological Garden admission & a voucher to purchase up to 5 tickets at 50%. Inclusive of the $5 for Panda Exhibit, 5 of us (Myself, Angela, Ivy, Erick & Charlie) only paid $11. Usual admission to Zoo is $20 + $5 for panda Exhibit.

9.30am - Breakfast at KFC! 

the turtle quite cute..sticking out the head!

These 2 turtles best! They are motionless for more than 5 mins & all of us thought it's fake ones till one of them blink the eye!


Oops! I got caught by Erick for climbing to get a nice pix of the Otter!

Giant Panda Forest 

While waiting to enter River Safari. Visitors are only visit to stay in the exhibit for 15 mins & limited time slots available, so book your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

The Red Panda.. this guy here keeps showing us is butt, very difficult to get a shot of the face. Only manage to get a shot of side view

Seriously, I can't tell which is Kai Kai & which is Jia Jia lah.. so many people crowding on the signage, can't see the name also. This Panda here is sleeping when we're there this morning

Luckily the chap here keeps walking around

Then we went to restaurant after the allocated 15mins. Wanted to order the Panda Cappuccino for photo taking purpose, but must wait for 20mins! In the end, we ordered only 4 Panda Paus  

Initially I only ordered 1 cup of Coke, but realize that it is being served in this souvenir cup, so I bought 1 more cup of coke in case the boys fight lah! 

The cute Panda (red bean) Pau

*The banner shows they only serves 200 paus per day, but I doubt so cos when we place order at 12pm, it's still available

Sorry Panda, I'm gonna eat you! 

erm.. ok, I boliao a bit.. I turn the Panda into a Bull Terrier.. *lame* 

On the way out river Safari


White Tigers

I realize the Tigers here are so skinny! Are they on diet? Those I see in Chiang Mai are so fat!

The Rainforest show. Look at the crowd!

Look up the ceiling.. it's real bats!

Sun Bear

Commodo Dragon

Some cute little Monkeys

Erick resting his feet while we look at Snakes

Jaguar & Leopard. Can you differentiate which is which? 
Ans: A jaguar has a dot in the center of each spot and a leopard does not!  

Then we went for ice-cream break at the Kidz World & Hazel spotted me there! haha

Feeding time for the Giraffes

This fellow here, damn funny! It's running around & when a group of Indians say "Stop", it realloy stop & pose! 

The Cheetahs relaxing one corner, away from the Sun

These big guys are relaxing as well! 

Snapped a few pix while on the way out!

For those who have not been to Singapore Zoological Garden for the past few years, it's time you plan a date for re-visiting! For more details on the ticket price, operation hours, etc. please visit the official website of Singapore Zoological Garden