Tuesday 31 July 2012

Monday 30 July 2012

Sunday, 29 Jul 12

One of the lazy Sunday where I wanted to go Yoga 
but end up sleeping till about 9am, followed by non-stop

Longtong for breakfast

Catch-up tvb dramas, & then went to nap for abt 30mins before gg to Junction10 for lunch.

Had teriyaki chicken & salmon bento & chendol cos weather is simply too hot!
After lunch, nap again from abt 2.30pm - 6.30pm! hahaha... ... 
had a bowl of old cucumber soup cos gg for dinner with Kogu & Jenny

While waiting for Kogu to pick me up at 8pm, I was fooling around with Damien, using his backside as my pillow. 

Best thing is, he can fall asleep with my head on his backside & he was even smiling when he sleep!

Again, Kogu drove all the way to T2 for dinner! This time, we went Sakae Sushi

 and since Nizam is at T2 preparing to close one of his store for 3weeks renovation, we went thr for free drink! 

my fav drink.. pure chocolate ice blend w/soy milk w/o whipped cream. Jenny & Kogu even tabao-ed 3 slices of cake! haha

White Chocolate Raspberry

This is the cake that Kogu & Jenny tabao home from CBTL @ T2 last night. 

Sunday 29 July 2012

Power Case!

Was at the flea at Scape, so decided to finally buy the power case for iPhone cos all those adapters spoil super easily & alot of people has been telling me this is good. So I decided to give it a try. Hopefully it don't fail me when I'm in Vietnam


 I choose this over the other design cos this is like an entire casing.. the other one is only bumper

It also comes with a cable & supposedly it is able to charge both the phone & casing at the same time! Got standby power switch at the side & led light indication too 

Ok, thou I mentioned tt I no longer need to buy 2x phone accessories, I still bought a power case for my sister lah.. 

Free Sticky Sweets!

Woohoo~~ got FREE Sticky sweets with Instagram logo!

Look at the details.. Very nice hor? Wanna know how I got it free? 

Follow them on Instagram, flash the below photo on their profile & get a packet of sweet free! haha

Saturday 28 July 2012

Tonkatsu by Ma Maison

Dinner with Evelyn. 

Actually wanted to go Antoinette but the waiting time is about 45mins, so we went Tonkatsu by Ma Maison

The interior, with open kitchen concept

free flow of sesame & different sauces

cute Pig!

whole pile of raddish!

mine - mixed set of pork & prawn

Friday 27 July 2012


This morning I was checking tru the sms for Singtel's Bridge DataRoam Unlimited service & realize that ... ...

Vietnam is not supported!!!!!!!! 


Please don't bring them home!

Please don't bring them home!

Sis was at a laundry company & she whatsapp us this 

"if u ever go RWS again, don't attempt to take their towels home cos they have bendable magnetic strips in the towel, which are detectable!"

Than Bro replied "nowadays most BIG named hotels have this! Even floor mats at SGH also have!" 

Sis "Even Safra also have!" 

So... ... Moral of the story is ... ... 

Don't bring any towels home from whatever place you go! 

**I must go tell my friends not to take the towels home from ONEdegree15 liao!

Funny DIY!

Went toilet a few hours ago & then suddenly realize tt my jeans is torn & the best this is... ... I dunno how long or since when it is been torn! 

kweng kweng.. checked my sewing kit & no more dark color treads! so... ... gotta use masking tape & black marker!

tape from inside & then marker on the outside to prevent the tape from showing! and... .. I also realize tt I wore my belt inside out! 

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Both are not the same ok!

Can u see the difference between these 2 fruits? 
Both looks the same, but it's not the same ok! 

One is Pulasan & the hairy one is Rambutan! 

Colleague brought these from her mum's plantation in Malaysia

Today's lunch!

Colleague coming back from IMM after his half day AL, so I asked to him to help tabao Mushroom Swiss from Burger King

I had to eat the cheese cos don't want to be too troublesome since asking help from others

He also bought Coffee & Chocolate Bun frm Roti Mum, which I ate half the chocolate one

hee... and I also asked him to tabao for me Fancy Egg Tarts from Fancy Delight! It's still on the table cos I wanna tabao home, & It's gonna be my dessert tonight!

New home button

Lost my Angry Bird home button for my iPhone & couldn't find the balance.. so decided to use one of these since it's just lying around on the table collecting dust.

When is the last time u had Shakey's Pizza?

Whee~~ Shakey's Pizza has 重出江湖 liao! 
They are now opened at the new Junction10! 

Shakey's Special - Minced Beef, Pepperoni, Ham, Onion, Mushrooms, Capsicum, Pineapples, Olives, Tomato Sauce topped with a mixture of Mozzarella, Cheddar & Parmesan Cheese

BBQ ribs & Chicken Wing

Big boy eating the pizza while small boy wanted another piece of the chicken after eating the pizza!

The greedy boy!!

Hope their business is good enough to open another branch in town so that more people can enjoy!

Monday 23 July 2012

My "Best Friend" for now!


For the first time, both my leg muscle got cramp when I walking along Orchard Road, 30mins after dinner! 

The cramp is so bad I almost fall to the ground. Luckily Evelyn was beside me & she quickly grab hold of me & I sort of like hop to the nearest seat available. Two of us spent like 30mins to try to relieve the cramp! Once relieved, quickly went to Watson's to buy deep heat rub & applied on it & quickly head home! 

Luckily the cramp didn't come back when I went Gardens by the Bay!

So now, Salonpas is my best friend cos I'm still feeling the pull.. 
and I smell like a walking Salonpas!

I ❤ iLoader

My one & only choice when it comes to uploading pix to Facebook via my iPad/iPhone has got to be... ... 

iLoader HD (iPad)/ iLoader2 (iPhone)! 

Why? Cos as u can see from the pix, I'm leaving it to upload 100pix while I sleep!

How cool it is! Of cos, this is the paid (US$1.99) version lah.. 
the free version can only upload 20pix at a time. 

Behind the scenes

Behind a photo, there's many faces of the photographer! 

Candid shots taken by Spencer! hahaha

Kuishin-Bo lunch

Lunch at KuishinBo with my boss, warehouse manager & distribution manager, together with warehouse supervisor & KFC's Logistics Manager just now. 

We went to the one at Jurong Point, and I realize the spread was only like half the choices for dinner! 

Anyway, lunching with them makes me feels so stress! Cos they eat so little lor.. I wanna eat more also paisey! Here's what I ate! 

Voodoos in the Garden

Finally we went for an outdoor activity! 

"Excersion" to Gardens by the Bay, followed by dinner at Kraze Burger & then went back to the Gardens for the OCBC Garden Rhapsody. 

OMG! the OCBC Garden Rhapsody is so boring lah! just some music & the lights on the supertrees goes on & off so slowly! 

Those who have not been there yet, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150973711687613

Anyway, we will plan another trip there cos we have yet to venture the entire garden!

Coincidentally in yellow





Dinner at Kraze Burger