Sunday 29 March 2009

*Botanic Garden

this week both of us went Singapore Botanic Garden for our morning walk.. din really explore the entire garden cos we cant find the exact location of Ginger Garden & Orchid Garden.. 

after the walk, we head down to Carls Jr @ FEP for lunch & went shopping after lunch.. after spending some $$, decided to go for a drk & head down to coffee club.. due to the open-concept of the plc, we had to leave cos of the sudden heavy downpour.. lol

**screenshots grabbed from

Saturday 28 March 2009

Imperial Treasure @ ONEdegree15

Went Sentosa cos the pregnant Jenny mummy craves for the old cucumber soup from Imperial Treasure!
Jenny also packed 2 slices of cake for Daryl

Thursday 26 March 2009

Balcony Bar

Saw that they're having promo of set dinner @ $16.90, me & Carol decided to give it a try at the same time had some small talk abt things happening around her lately.. 

back to the dinner... $16.90 for a soup of the day, main (4 main dish to choose from) & dessert (ice-cream with choice of vanilla or chocolate).. think its quite reasonable.. Carol had grill chicken chop with mushroom sauce & i had grill pork chop with brwn sauce.. everything was quite ok but the pork chop abit hard.. heehee

Sunday 22 March 2009


no sunday morning walk this week cos Evelyn has got some praying to do do this week, so we went Joaquim for steamboat dinner.. 

2nd time i went this wk.. but still got no chance to drink the wintermelon soup base cos they change soup every 3 days.. i had the herbal chicken soup on thu & yday i had the szechuan spicy soup..

**screenshots grabbed from

Can't get enff of duck rice

Went back to Yishun this afternoon for lunch.. why leh? cos my pregnant sis has craving for duck rice 3wks ago, & last wk when we went back yishun for lunch last wk, she say she nvr get to eat alot.. so this wk went back to eat again to fully satisfy her craving!

Saturday 14 March 2009

ex-McD's KAP dinner date

We met way back in 1991 when we were all transferred to set up McDonald's King Albert Park, and all of us went separate ways after few years.. din meet up due to our busy schedule but still keep in touch by sending one another festive sms.. 

met Kevin 2wks back at Breadtalk JP & he suggested in meeting up for dinner, so im being arrowed to arrange! only manage to arrange to meet up with Errene & Sairi this time round.. hopefully we'll be able to gather more on out nxt meetup