Saturday 28 February 2009

*Daryl @ 2yrs2mths

**screenshots grabbed from

Monday 16 February 2009

*Marang Trail to Hort Park

was having waffle at Gelare on Tue evening with Evelyn, and she was talking abt Hort Park, Henderson Wave, etc... so we decided to go for Sunday morning walk .. Met at Harbourfront KFC for breakfast before we start out activity.. we started off frm Marang Trail (opposite vivo), to Mount Faber Park, to Henderson Wave, Forest & Hill Top walk and finally end at Hort Park (Alexandra Rd)!

wah... super tiring under the HOT sun for 3hrs lor! thank god we did not continue to Canopy Walk.. or else we'll end up at West Coast Park! 

before we start, she even suggested we walk the entire 9KM (frm Marang Trail to West Coast Park) & than walk back to Marang Trail lor.. i think she siao.. think im as young as her (she's 12yrs younger than me) lor.. 

anyway, we end up taking bus from Hort Park to Vivo for some Ben&Jerry's

**screenshots grabbed from

Tuesday 10 February 2009

*Mother Goose & Mountain Tortoise

mother goose & mountain tortoise.. these 2 names came like years back when im a mgr at Subway Cineleisure.. but who is who? mountain tortoise is referring to crabby evil-lyn Evelyn.. at that time she very suaku lor, everything dunno.. so i call her mountain tortoise

she turn around & call me mother goose cos i keep nagging every morning when she work with me.. lol 

Friday 6 February 2009

Sakae Sushi

Nizam, Rafi & Kogu went for swim at ONEdegree15, so we met up for dinner at Sakae Sushi @ Habourfront.. an evening full of laughter with the 2 jokers, Nizam & Rafi.. lol 

Sunday 1 February 2009

More 鱼生.. on 人日

4th 鱼生 this year! today with sis's in-laws

Aunty Alice's hse

Aunty Alice used to call me "daughter" when we're all working at McDonald's Bishan Junction8 cos she's the same age as my mum.. she's also my "alarm clock" if i work morning shift.. haha

but now, we only see her once a year during CNY... heehee.

chef Rosalind's "人日" dinner feast

祝大家: 生日快乐
All dishes are home-cooked by mum & sis