Monday 21 July 2008

Cooling down!

After a disappointing dinner, we have to find a plc to "cool down our body tempertaure".. so we headed to United Square for a cuppa drink

Chin Huat Live Seafood = Disappointing dinner

Jenny's been craving for steamboat for the past few weeks & since we're at Novena Ville for Fish therapy, we decided to eat at Chin Huat Live Seafood which is just few doors away

we were there at 5.15pm & ask if we could make reservation for 6 at 6.30pm.. the guy (shld be the mgr) said "we dun do reservation, u walk-in later to try & see if got seat"!

we were actually quit pissed off by his answer, but since we've already made arrangement to meet up with Mike & Rafi, we just stick to the plan.. after the fishy treatment we immediately went to check if there's table available..& so we started eating while waiting for the other 2 to come.. about 30mins after we started eating, one farnie guy came & ask if we've paid! i told him we oredi paid, & he ask again if we've paid! damn pissed off la~~ 

tt plc is well known for paying before eating.. i have to repeat myself again.. "if we're already eating, obviously we've already paid right?" why does he have to ask the same qstn again when i replied we've already paid?? jus becos we din get the live prawn?? tt doesnt mean we have not made payment!

this will be another place we banned for dinner!

Kampung Fish Therapy

Another satisfying fishy treatment.. thanks to Kampung Fish Therapy for inviting us for a complimentary treatment =)

i would say, their service was as good as the last time i went.. keep up the good work!

Sunday 20 July 2008

Cindy & Swe's Wedding Dinner

Another happy occasion for some of us (present & e-colleague) to eat, drink & be crazy..

we're invited by Cindy to her wedding dinner last night at Holiday Inn Atrium.. everything was good, except that the food serving suddenly stop for awhile after her 2nd march-in till the moment she goes for table-to-table photo taking

too bad Sarina, Haidi & Haiqal wasn't there cos Haidi's mum was hospitalized & they have to rush back to Kampung.. hope Haidi's mum is better now & they can be back by nxt Sun for our "outing"

anyway... Cindy & Swe, Congratulations on ur new chapter & hopefully more chapters will be on the way.. hope u enjoyed ur special night =)