Saturday 29 September 2007

Friday night @ Vivo

Angela's last dreadful day of work the nxt day.... to celebrate for her, we meet up for dinner @ Dian Xiao Er.. tot of gg for a cuppa kopi but all the kopi plc was jammed pack like sardine.. and we end up having ice-cream @ Haagen Dazs =)

Thursday 27 September 2007

*1st week @ sis's plc

finally move in to sis's plc.. took some pix of my nephew as well as the dogs =) 

**screenshots grabbed from

Monday 17 September 2007

nuahing @ Genting 130907-160907

Haven been to Genting for few yrs.. this time round with Carol & Alvin, plus my travelling khaki, Mike.. Angela as usual, cant join due to work commitment =(

sad lah.. din get to go theme park cos carol & hubby not interested, leaving only me & mike.. 2 person go, boring rite? end up din go lor... =( but luckily, manage to get room for karaoke.. or else, i think i'll be bored to death
Day 2 still nuahing at Genting.. finally got chance to eat Kenny Rogers & my favourite Chicken Rice! 
did nothing much except for eat; walking here & thr like siao; went for movie jus to enjoy the comfort of osim chair @ RM$15; and kok-ing again

Till we meet again, Genting!